At the beginning of this week, the teacher showed us a new program named This web page keeps your important information like a diary. For example, if you find an excellent web page and you want to keep this page to future researches, you can do it with this this program. To keep the information: First, you must create a count in Second, you must go to diigolet to keep the information. Third, when you are in an interesting web page, you can keep it selecting an option named favorite. After, with a click you can save your page. Then, you have to write some information related with the page, for example the reason of this page, the use of it, extra information about the web page, key words, and so on. Finally, you must classify each web page into listening, speaking, reading, grammar, vocabulary, and EFL methods.
On Thursday, we read about ICT in Education, the Policy, UNESCO Guide to measuring ICT in Education, and Teacher Education. Later, we did a summary about this to public the comment in I wrote thatInformation and Communication Technology (ICT) stimulates education, communication, and information. It is promoted by UNESCO and by people who are involved in this new strategy. Also, UNESCO’s global network of agencies, establishments and associates offer Member States with incomes for expanding ICT in education policies, strategies and activities.Furthermore, ICT has some policies like develop transparent education planning to increase quality. For this reason, it makes thatthe information can be reliable and generally accessible. The advantage of Information and Communication Technologyis that it is being used for develop materials, distribute and share contents. Moreover, there is communication between learners, teachers and people around the world. With this kind of communication, lots of people are acquiring self-confidence, self-esteem, and security to share their ideas, feelings, and knowledge with others. Teachers are especially involved, because they must increase their quality as professionals and show the new changes. This is because we are in a civilized world, in a “Changing World”.
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